Sunday, June 28, 2009


Tadashi, Elayna, Kim and I are at a FREE WIFI cafe in Capetown...YES THEY EXIST! Now I can actually type an entry as I'm here and post some more pictures. My internet usage has only been at 30 minutes at a time for about $2.50, so it's always a rush to post.

The weather today was beautiful...I actually didn't have to wear a jacket!! We had the morning off so I slept until 8 and then a few of us headed down to a local craft market. I bought a wood carving of a baboon and an awesome tapestry painting. There were so many other neat things I wanted to buy, but I managed to keep the shopping in check. After shopping Heather from AZ and I headed to the grocery store and got a quick take away lunch and then we sat out in the sun. This afternoon we went to the National Gallery of SA and Jewish Museum.

The National Gallery was small. but had some pretty good collections. I really enjoyed a photo exhibit by a bouncer in Cape Town in the 1960's. He photographed all sorts of counter culture people at the bar to sell them the pictures. Years later the negatives were found an an artist asked the photographer if he could print the pictures and put together an exhibit. He agreed, but unfortunately the photographer was killed just 2 weeks before the exhibit first ran. We also watched a short film about a guy who threw bowling balls at pigeons throughout downtown London. Not sure why it was so entertaining...I blame the company I was with. :) The Jewish museum had a Holocaust section which drew comparisons between the Apartheid and the Holocaust.

This evening we are heading out to watch the USA soccer game. It's back to school for us tomorrow...1994-present history.

I wish I could post some pictures...but it takes FOREVER to upload some I will do the best I can...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog! Keep posting. SOunds like a once in a lifetime experience...lucky lucky you! Have fun, be safe, and learn lots! Rene