Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Few Pics

This is the security around our hotel in Umtata...electric fence and all.

The group at the Mandela museum

It was a tad bit windy on the Beach at Durban...

Mural from the Blue Roof Clinic - HIV/AIDS clinic in Durban
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1 comment:

Kristina said...

Hey hey K! I cannot tell you how fascinating everything in your blog from Africa is! Too bad I can't wiggle my nose like Samantha in "Bewitched" to join you! I love the food news - maybe we can replicate the bunny chow when you get back. Can't wait to hear about and hopefully see amazing picts from the Park! Funny side note - as I'm typing to you, U2 is playing on my TV. :o)

The Hindu Temple you visited sounds way cool - something I've been interested in learning more about, too. Keep on keepin' on, as I know you will! DANANG!